
A cultural and social center, adapted to two different temporalities and perspectives.


~ The space previous to being rescued. La Colecturía has survived since XVIII, exalting its history.
~ Main yard, 2020 La Colecturía while in process of restoration.

La Colecturía was the most important economic and financial center in Latin America. In the early 18th century, the Bishopric of Tlaxcala-Puebla allocated this property to store tithes in kind —grains and seeds— making it the most significant one in America.

During the Viceroyalty, the Bishopric of Tlaxcala-Puebla was highly powerful —socially and economically— exerting influence over seven states in the Mexican Republic: from Oaxaca to Veracruz.

By collecting tributes from the people, this space represented a gathering point through faith.


~ Main yard, 2023
~ Cenital view of the vegetables orchard, 2023

Today, La Colecturía reimagines the concept of a cultural, social, and artistic center. It brings to life a range of services —a vegetable garden, a restaurant, a bar, a gallery, and an educational center— plus a community that promotes environmentally responsible habits.

The space has been intervened by renowned artists and designers. It also brings together the knowledge of experts in global and local self-sustainable food programs.

02.Concept & Services

La Colecturía is the contemporary reinterpretation of the harvesting tradition and human, social, cultural and artistic relationships.

El Comedor

El Comedor at La Colecturía is the showcase of our ideology: to offer our diners a curated, clean, healthy, and fair gastronomic experience. Enjoy our seasonal menu on the terrace with the best view in Puebla.

Go to El Comedor

Bar Fogatero

Outdoor historical vestiges with the purpose of generating sensory experiences: live music, videomapping, and mixology using self-produced ingredients.

Go to Bar Fogatero

Señorita Caruso

A coffee shop dedicated to love, poetry and stories that happen within its walls.

Señorita Caruso


The urban garden is the materialization of our "Buen Vivir" philosophy: a reflection on who we are and how we relate to nature.

Go to Orchard

Universo Expandido IV

It's a living and multi-sensory space where art, architecture, and nature interact, surprising visitors and provoking the expansion of their consciousness.

Workshop Classroom

For La Colecturía, the Workshop Classroom represents a celebration of knowledge. Courses, workshops, dialogues, or conferences —any activity that promotes the development of creativity, reflections, and questioning among individuals— is welcome in this space.

Go to Experiences

03.Values & vision

We need to reimagine our relationship with food


It's urgent and a priority

  1. To acknowledge the inseparable bonds between communities, producers, trade, and the integrity of the ecosystem.

  2. To promote responsible practices that restore our sovereignty to act in the best interests of individuals, communities, and the land that sustains us.

Read our Manifesto


The spirit of today is collaboration. La Colecturía brings together a series of artists and experts who give life to one-of-a-kind sustainable programs.


Raymundo Sesma

Visual Artist | Design of "Universo Expandido IV" (edible forest)

A garden as an empirical polysensorial field, contained within four walls that protect and preserve it, where each plant and fruit tree coexists, thrives, and nourishes as a living space, as nature that expresses itself.

A multidisciplinary mexican artist. He has been living and working between Milan and Mexico since 1980. He has conducted artistic workshops, received national and international scholarships, and has held numerous solo exhibitions.


Elias Adam

Architect, interior designer, and visual artist

The central pond is a large black mirror that reflects La Colecturía’s centuries-old architecture. The symbolic fountain of colonial courtyards becomes reflections, shadows, lights, and movement, contributing to a perfect microclimate for the urban garden. During the night, this grand courtyard transforms into a profound, almost dreamlike space where the columns appear to float on the water.

Elias Adam Arquitectos is a company dedicated to the development of architecture, interior design, and applied arts projects. With art and functionality in mind, it designs exteriors and interiors for residential, tourism, and commercial applications. Over the course of twenty years, it has achieved an original language and a unique approach to architecture.