Cult of the Popocatépetl and Iztaccíhuatl volcanoes

Educational Workshops
Julio Glockner Rossainz

03 Aug 17:00 a 19:00 hrs

Free event


Disseminate the importance of these rituals, on which obtaining a good harvest depends.


The most relevant characteristics of this ancestral cult that derives from the syncretism between the Mesoamerican worldview and Christianity will be exposed.

Limited availability
Over 15 years old
No materials required

About Julio Glockner Rossainz

Social anthropologist graduated from the Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia. He has been head of the Secretaría de Arte y Cultura de San Andrés Cholula, and of the Secretaría de Cultura del Gobierno de Puebla (2018-2020). In addition, he is co-founder of the Colegio de Antropología Social and a researcher at the Instituto de Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, both of the BUAP.

He has published a hundred articles in specialized and popular magazines on topics related to the worldview of the indigenous peoples of Mexico, including: Arqueología Mexicana, Artes de México, elementos y Cuicuilco.

He has also collaborated on a dozen collective books on the rituals and mythology of indigenous peoples. He has advised documentaries on the cult of volcanoes for Mexican, German, Austrian, Canadian and French television.

He is the author of books such as: Mirando el Paraíso, Ed. BUAP; El Paraíso Barroco de Santa María Tonantzintla. Ed. BUAP; Los volcanes sagrados. Mitos y rituales en el Popocatépetl y la Iztaccíhuatl. Ed. Penguin Random House; Así en la tierra como en el cielo. Pedidores de lluvia del volcán. Ed. Penguin Random House; La mirada interior. Plantas sagradas del mundo amerindio. Ed. Penguin Random House.