01.Responsibility & social commitment

At La Colecturía, we seek to collaborate with organizations that share our vision of a world that is socially just and in balance with nature.

One of the contemporary strategies most used by institutions that seek to have a positive impact on their environment is outreach.

Inter-institutional engagement
~ Orchard The produce from our grow beds promote Goal 11 that refers to sustainable cities and communities.
~ Spaces such as La Colecturía promote ethical production and responsible consumption As Goal 12 proposes.
~ Goal 15 seeks to preserve terrestrial ecosystems La Colecturía promotes the development of awareness around this topic.

Agenda 2030

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development is an action plan of the United Nations Organization (UN), in favor of people, the planet and prosperity, which also intends to strengthen universal peace and access to justice.

Building Strategic Alliances is one of the 17 objectives of this Agenda, and at La Colecturía we not only agree on this point, we also promote:

  1. Goal 03

    Good health and well-being

  2. Goal 04

    Quality education

  3. Goal 10

    Reduce inequalities

  4. Goal 11

    Sustainable cities and communities

  5. Goal 12

    Responsible consumption and production

  6. Goal 15

    Conservation of land ecosystem

  7. Goal 17

    Alliances to achieve goals

  • Government collaboration

    Social & community programs

    Links with associations such as Casa Hogar IPODERAC or Slow Food, contributes to share with society the Buen Vivir.

    Learn more:

    ipoderac slowfood

Our vision goes above the walls of La Colecturía. We seek to create alliances and collaborate in the creation, diffusion and operation of efforts for the sake of the Buen Vivir.